In June 2005, after 35 years in Canada's pulp and paper industry I took early retirement from a Maintenance and Engineering Manager position to pursue personal interests and volunteer work in Canada, the USA and Mexico.
Work in the first year included kids’ camps in Canada and California, work at an orphanage in Oaxaca, Mexico and work with SOWERS at a training academy in Texas. The second year held more of the same, with work at the same camp in Meadow Lake Provincial Park as well as SOWERS projects at a kids' camp near Houston, and outreach facilities near the Mexican border.
In 2007 I returned to "working on the tools" on instrumentation at a petro-chemical plant shutdown. Since then I have worked a shutdown or two a year. It has kept me up to date with technology, added to our pension funds and reminded me to make the most of our retirement time the rest of the year.
Since then our life has been a mixture of work, play and volunteering.
The primary purpose of this site is to showcase past examples of my writing. A secondary purpose is updating interested spectators of our "retired" life activities.
Contact info: Paul dot Alton at Gmail dot com
(306) 240-2034