January – Nicaragua, helping Way of the Cross at Medfest, and drilling a well.
February – Victory Camp, Alvin Texas. Worked with two other couples on a SOWER project. Last couple of days of the month drove back to Canada. Earliest drive north yet, with best road conditions.
March, April, May. Paul worked at refinery shutdown in Regina. Juanita volunteered at thrift store and travelled back to Meadow Lake for family birthdays.
May – Travelled to Powell River and visited with family and friends.
June – August – Hung around Meadow Lake, kibitzed while Ernie and Debbie started work on their new house. Hooked up new well on our property (No more hauling water, Yay!)
September – Arrival of new grandchild in Edmonton – Ansel Srochenski. Juanita went to Edmonton to help out. Paul got ready for trip to China. Both left for China.
October – early November – Worked at oil sands plant north of Ft. McMurray.
November – December – worked at Mod yard just south of Edmonton coming back on weekends to install furnace ducting and attend high school play (Sonja’s debut in drama). That job finished the week before Christmas and we went back to Meadow Lake for a few days before returning to Edmonton to spend Christmas.
Grandkids, Sasha and Kohen rode with us to daughter Rebekah and her husband Nick’s home in Edmonton and spent time with their cousins, Ezekial, Eliana and Ansel. Christmas Eve we all went to a candle light service and came home about the time that our daughter Deborah, her husband Ernie and their daughter Sonja arrived from Meadow Lake.
Our plans for next year start with us going to Nicaragua for January and February, and end with our plans to drive south to Texas in the fall. In between perhaps a shutdown or two and probably more helping with Debbie and Ernie’s construction efforts.
We’ll see.
Our plans are just that.
Have a Happpy New Year